Wednesday 21 May 2014

Ystudio Website Design

Ystudio Website YMCA North Tyneside Lewis Self

I have spent quite a lot of time designing this website from scratch, after many ideas and tests I managed to create this design which was the best out of all of them. I like the layout of this design with the twitter feed on the bottom of the navigation bar fills up the blank space that would have been there if there was no twitter feed. The centre articles are all in line and nicely laid out. The slide show banner is placed on top.

The thing I don't like is how big the logo is, the person who wanted me to design this website wanted the logo big and too stand out but i think it's too in the user's face, It should be smaller but again the only problem with that is there would be a lot of blank space at the top of the web page. If I had the choice I would have made the logo smaller and put another grey article box in and shifted the slideshow and the rest upwards a bit. this would have created more space and made the logo smaller and less in your face.

The footer took about 6 hours to create, I've never made a footer on my own before I created this one. I thought I would add a blank box at the top to ease the transition of colours and make it slightly less visible as if the colours were changing so dramatically.  I then added the contact details and links on the left side with the text and the logo's on the right hand side. If you want to check out this webpage visit

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